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A fond summer memory for many of us is the backyard slip and slide. Dashing and slipping across the water, cooling down and getting back up to do it all over again. As we mature, a mere 18 feet just doesn’t seem to be far enough to slide.

Now, you can create a world-class water park in your own yard with the Wahii WaterSlide. It measures 75ft long and 12ft wide! The website says that your initial set-up takes about 15 minutes. The Wahii is constructed of thick specially formulated, UV protected plastic with an extremely smooth surface and is rated to hold 256 lbs. per square foot.

Wahii WaterSlides have been featured in TV commercials, national music festivals, celebrity birthday parties, large summer camps. One resort hotel in Louisiana created a 750-foot long slide using 10 Wahii WaterSlides connected back to back in the summer of 2011!

The Wahii is also available in a scaled down 50 feet version at major retailers and online. For more information, check out  Keep cool dudes and just go for the ride.

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